Submit a juridic case

You can update our database by submitting a juridic case with the form below. Be sure to have all required informations: case’s title, jurisdiction country, complaignant(s) type(s) and defence, products and summmary.

Select "Other" if the dammage area is not listed below or if you don't know it.

You can select more than one complaignant. Select "Other" if the complaignant type is not listed below or if you don't know it.

You can select more than one defendant. Select "Other" if the defendant is not listed below or if you don't know it.

Select "Other" if the case nature is not listed below or if you don't know it.

You can select more than one specificity.

You can select more than one product type. Select "Other" if the product(s) type(s) are not listed below or if you don't know them.

E.g. : District court

Select "Not documented" if you don't know the decision nature.

Select "Not documented" if you don't know the legal basis.

Please email us your document as an attachment, in PDF format, with the title of the case.

Please type your URL:

Title URL *